Timings Of The School Day 

Wake Up Shake Up begins at 8.40, children and parents are encouraged to join in.

Morning learning begins at 8.45, and children are able to come into school from this time up until 8.55 when school officially begins.

Break times in both key stages are 10.30am-10.45am

Lunch times in both key stages are 12.00pm-1.15pm

Afternoon breaks are not officially on the timetable, but instead are left to the teacher’s discretion.

Afternoon lessons take place between 1.15pm and 3.15pm for KS1, while the school day ends at 3.20pm for KS2.

Collective Worship

Whole school hymn practise on Monday morning 9.05 until 9.30

KS1 Assembly: Tuesday 9.05am until 9.30am.

KS2 Assembly: Thursday 9.05am until 9.30am

Whole school assembly: Friday 9.05am until 9.30am

Whole school celebration assembly: Friday 2.30pm until 2.45pm

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